Perry's Points of Pride
Hear Our Voices
Hear Our Voices (HOV) is our district literary competition that requires students to create original works of literature in the genres of narrative, poetry, essay, multimedia, spoken word, or speech. Through HOV, students can strengthen literacy skills and utilize them beyond the academic setting.
Our four winners, Yesenia Hernandez Moran (not pictured), Calina Chester, Tyana Young, and Ja'Arriya Lopez (not pictured), were recognized at the Clayton County Public Schools Board of Education meeting on May 6th, 2024. Each winner received a copy of the Hear Our Voices publication with their work inside.
Students' hard work and creativity have earned them an opportunity to have their work published, as many writers have never published their work, but our winners can now say they are published authors. According to our Superintendent of Schools, their work is a "reflection of not only their talents, but the support provided by our dynamic leaders, teachers, parents, and the community-at-large." The PCA is proud to see our winners shine!
Construction Ready
Construction Ready is a 20-day training program providing 8 nationally recognized in-demand construction credentials to CCPS students. This training is funded by the Clayton County Development Authority. The Perry Career Academy is the first school in the state to partner with Construction Education Foundation of Georgia to offer the opportunity for on-site training for high school students.
Construction careers offer pay and benefits similar to jobs that require a college degree. Students graduate from the program and are ready to begin a career with no student loan debt. Since the inception of the program in June 2022, 54 Clayton County Public School students have graduated from the program with a 94% job placement rate. Also, students earned a total of 432 industry credentials from the program.
1st Builders Awards
Clayton County Public Schools are proud to present the "1st CCPS Builders Awards"! The CCPS Builders Awards is a way to highlight the groundbreaking work that is happening within our school system and community every day. “Groundbreaking” work is innovative and a big change from how things have been previously done, showing a new way of doing or thinking about the work and is likely to affect how things are done in the future.
CCPS Parent Liaisons collectively submitted our Parent & Family Engagement workshops to Title I and a PowerPoint presentation was created. Perry Career Academy Parent Liaison, Gwendolyn Williams submitted information for the collaboration/partnership with Emory University Continuing Education and their free certification programs with Mrs. Jocelyn Scarbrough. Mrs. Scarbrough is the Project Manager for Emory University Continuing Education. In addition, Mr. Donny Knight with the Affordable Connectivity Program partners with Perry Career Academy. Thus far we have 10 students who received free tablets and wifi. These are two of many partnerships with Perry Career Academy.
CCPS Parent Liaison' 1st Builders Award with the category of Community Award was recognized and Gwendolyn Williams was selected to represent the Parent Liaisons for CCPS. We all do outstanding work and I was selected through Title I to represent the Parent Liaisons.
Georgia Association for Alternative Education Administrator of the Year
The Georgia Association for Alternative Education (GAAE) goal is to provide the highest quality of professional learning, promote innovative learning opportunities, and serve as an advocate for students matriculating in nontraditional settings throughout Georgia.
During the 2023 Georgia Association for Alternative Educators which was held September 27-29th, Clayton County Public Schools very own Dr. Terry Young was honored to be named the GAAE Administrator of the Year. Dr. Young has served as the Executive/Principal of the Perry Career Academy since 2012 providing students in CCPS an opportunity to earn a high school diploma in a nontraditional setting.
The GAAE Annual Conference brings together educators from around the country to network, share best practices, and discover innovative strategies for working with students from diverse backgrounds.
National Alternative Education Association Cohort
The National Alternative Education Association (NAEA) Exemplary Practice Cohort Model School Program monitors how schools implement the Exemplary Practices to help them become “model” alternative schools or programs by being proficient in all 15 practices.
The Perry Career Academy is 1 of 18 schools from across the country chosen for its Exemplary Practices by The National Alternative Education Association. Perry Career Academy is the only school chosen to represent the State of Georgia.